A Plea and a Dare to All Adult Women

i, Panty Buns, am begging and daring all women to HELP MAKE ME WORLD FAMOUS IN MY PRETTY LADIES PANTIES by copying, sharing, and republishing the photos i posted of myself in my full brief nylon panties at http://www.full-brief-panties-male-modeled.blogspot.com along with the URL. The photos of me in my ladies panties and this dare are all RELEASED into the public domain. i dare all women to try provoke enough relentless saturation media coverage that every woman on earth will have seen me in my panties, recognize me on the street, and yell things out at me if they aren't laughing too hard. Do you think you could figure out how to make me famous with the photos of me in my ladies panties? Are you too much of a chicken to help make it happen? Please feel free to let me know what you think in your comments. Do you think i'm naughty? i would feel privileged to read any comments, questions, thoughts or suggestions women have about me in my ladies full brief nylon panties.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Panty Buns Male Models Ladies Pink Nylon Panties on YouTube

The YouTube Video below is entitled"PICT_Panty_Buns-Male_Models-Ladies-Pink-Nylon-Panties-7.AVI". The pair of Memoir Rose Vanity Fair Perfectly Yours Lace Nouveau Style 13001 ladies full brief nylon panties shown here male modeled, back view is my favorite pair of ladies nylon panties. A long time ago a woman commented with respect to my panties asking: "What good is it if nobody sees them?" I realized immediately that she was right. What good is it if nobody sees them? I hope you will share the photos and videos of me male modeling full brief panties with adult women everywhere. It would be a shame not to. This video is released into the public domain and intended for viewing and sharing by adult women for informational lingerie comparison purposes.


  1. I would love to become the most famous panty model in the world. Does anyone know how to make these videos go viral?

  2. So is this you being shown? What is your intention with these videos? I don't have sound right now so I can't tell but I am curious. I do like your other blog but stumbled upon this and I can't really tell the vibe. Why do you like women's underwear so much? Honest questions!

  3. Thank you so much for your comments and questions!
    Yes, this is me being shown.
    I hope you and all your friends will watch and copy all these videos and comment.
    I am hoping for assistance from enquiring intelligent (and hopefully very entertained) women like yourself in sharing these photos and videos, whether for individual entertainment, lingerie shopping information, or to play making me the most famous panty model on the planet.
    I love wearing women's underwear because it feels so silky soft against my skin, gives me better support than men's underwear, makes me feel feminine, is pretty and, I think, sexy to wear and look at, and I like it when women ask me embarrassing questions and make me squirm. Please help make me famous in my ladies panties?

  4. Is there any chance you could share these videos at, say, a bachelorette party and or email the posts to every woman you know?


I hope you will not be shy or feel any need to be diplomatic. All comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions are welcome no matter how embarrassing, complimentary, sarcastic, sweet or mean.