A Plea and a Dare to All Adult Women

i, Panty Buns, am begging and daring all women to HELP MAKE ME WORLD FAMOUS IN MY PRETTY LADIES PANTIES by copying, sharing, and republishing the photos i posted of myself in my full brief nylon panties at http://www.full-brief-panties-male-modeled.blogspot.com along with the URL. The photos of me in my ladies panties and this dare are all RELEASED into the public domain. i dare all women to try provoke enough relentless saturation media coverage that every woman on earth will have seen me in my panties, recognize me on the street, and yell things out at me if they aren't laughing too hard. Do you think you could figure out how to make me famous with the photos of me in my ladies panties? Are you too much of a chicken to help make it happen? Please feel free to let me know what you think in your comments. Do you think i'm naughty? i would feel privileged to read any comments, questions, thoughts or suggestions women have about me in my ladies full brief nylon panties.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Male Modeled Full Brief Panty Photo Gallery - Please Share and Repost

All these photos are released into the public domain and intended for viewing by mature women. Please copy,  share, and repost them. I beg and dare you to make me famous in my ladies full brief panties!


  1. So what do you think? Do you think I'm naughty?

  2. No... I still find you cute and you make me smile. The thing about you modeling the panties is cute. What made you a notch higher are the scientific reviews you give regarding the panties. So you see, I didn't find this modeling offensive and naughty... because I know deep down you are one intelligent person.

  3. I tried taking a short on-take video clip but the lighting was inadequate and it came out all dark and grainy. I uploaded it to YouTube anyway (click here to see the poor quality video of me in my pink panties).

  4. PANTY BUNS SHOWS HIS PANTIES AGAIN! You want more embarrassment? Why don't you go run around in front of some TV cameras in your panties so we can see you on the news. Show the whole world see your pretty ladies panties. bwahahahahahahahahaha! I love it.


I hope you will not be shy or feel any need to be diplomatic. All comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions are welcome no matter how embarrassing, complimentary, sarcastic, sweet or mean.