A Plea and a Dare to All Adult Women

i, Panty Buns, am begging and daring all women to HELP MAKE ME WORLD FAMOUS IN MY PRETTY LADIES PANTIES by copying, sharing, and republishing the photos i posted of myself in my full brief nylon panties at http://www.full-brief-panties-male-modeled.blogspot.com along with the URL. The photos of me in my ladies panties and this dare are all RELEASED into the public domain. i dare all women to try provoke enough relentless saturation media coverage that every woman on earth will have seen me in my panties, recognize me on the street, and yell things out at me if they aren't laughing too hard. Do you think you could figure out how to make me famous with the photos of me in my ladies panties? Are you too much of a chicken to help make it happen? Please feel free to let me know what you think in your comments. Do you think i'm naughty? i would feel privileged to read any comments, questions, thoughts or suggestions women have about me in my ladies full brief nylon panties.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Some of my most embarrassing pantied exposure+painful spanking experiences+fantasies

This post explores the nature and origins of some of my most extreme fantasies having to do with the ideas / possibilities of me actually ending up on the receiving end of repeated, unimaginably severe no-mercy F/m punishment spankings from multiple cis-gendered women utilising multiple spanking implements (in addition to the possibilities of me getting extremely public (world-wide) pantied exposures (all of which I will undoubtedly try to weasel my way out of submitting to) and seeks your input: Would you like to spank me and/or expose and embarrass me in my panties world-wide? Would you like to watch me actually receiving the kind of ferocious and extreme no-mercy spankings and world-wide exposure in ladies panties that I have dared women to give me in the past?
I suspect that many of you would privately love to see me actually receive the punishment spankings and public pantied exposure I've been asking for for so long - and I would also imagine that most of you probably already suspect that if those realities actually present themselves I will most likely try to weasel my way out of taking the kind of extremely public exposures and extreme no-mercy spankings that I have dared all women to subject me to! 
The first photo (above) is of me wearing a pair of Vanity Fair style 13001 Lace Nouveau pink nylon full brief panties and a ruffled soft pink nylon babydoll as I am bending over slightly presenting my panty-clad bottom and holding out a yellow plastic bathbrush. Admit it - wouldn't you love to see me actually receive the kind of severe no-mercy spankings I deserve, administered fiercely and relentlessly to my pretty pink nylon panty clad bottom until I become so traumatised that I might never be able to stop crying?
Are you curious about how and why I came to believe that I both deserve and should submit to the kind of severe and repeated spankings referred to in this blog post? 
In the paragraphs below I explore and relate some of the origins of my cross-dressing, the origins of my spanking and humiliation fantasies, of my fantasies of / desires for repeated relentless world-wide pantied exposure, humiliation, lifestyle sissification (and much later on, just a few of the extremely masochistic spanking, humiliation and degradation fantasies that I have fantasised submitting to and being subjected to in real life. 
Starting at the beginning: When I was only 5 weeks old I got kidnapped from my natural mother by adoption agency employees who physically kidnapped me from my natural mother (at a home for unwed mothers). They took me across state lines, initially rented me to a foster mother, took me from my foster mother at 5 months old, and then sold me for adoption. When my adoptive parents got mad at me they told me I should be thankful they adopted me, because I could have grown up in an orphanage. We lived close to a primary school (kindergarten through ninth grade). 
Growing up I got severe hairbrush spankings from my adoptive mother every day after school. I blocked out her excuses for doing it. She spanked me until I cried almost every afternoon or evening, from the time I entered kindergarten until the middle of sixth grade, which was more than two years after I had reached puberty. She would hold me and kiss me after each spanking. 
The third grade teacher used to spank the kids in her class. Our desks were lined up in double rows side by side facing and touching each other. She would have us take our sneakers off and tie the laces together, hanging the sneakers over the backs of our chairs. When kids kneeled on the chairs, bending over the desks to talk to each other more privately she would spank them with their own sneakers.
One time when a kid talked back to her she called him up to her desk in the front of the classroom, pulled him over her knee and gave him a good hard spanking right then and there in front of the whole class. She kept right on spanking him until he was crying and sobbing loudly. She then allowed him to walk back to his desk, holding his sore bottom with his tears streaming down his cheeks. I found myself fantasising about that teacher giving me spankings like that. My adoptive parents failed to explain to me how my sexual organs worked or how sex worked. 
When they realised that I'd reached puberty (at age 9) my adoptive father got the task of telling me the "facts of life". He said that girls had a hole between their legs and that when the time came I would want to put my penis in it, that it would hurt her, but that she would like it. Neither he nor my adoptive mother ever told me anything about how sex was supposed to work, or feel, how pregnancies occurred, and never told me nothing about orgasms. I was left completely ignorant about how my sexual organs worked. 
One summer, when I was ten years old, our family stayed in a rented vacation house that was about ten feet away from the house next door. They had three daughters. The house we were renting had carpets rolled up and piled on top of a bed in the bedroom that was closest to the neighbours' house. 
At night I saw both of the oldest daughters changing their clothes and walking around in their panties and bras. Later that night I went into that bedroom again, wearing only my T-shirt and underpants. I felt nervous but excited as I walked around the room, wondering if there was a chance the girls next door might return to the same room they had been in before and might see me in my underpants. I climbed up on and straddled the rolled up carpets. It felt good, and I started to dry-hump the carpets in my underpants. 
Fairly soon I had a throbbing orgasm. I was scared, and didn't know what it was. I thought it might be taking years off my life. When I had that first orgasm from dry-humping a rolled up carpet on top of a bed in an unused bedroom in that summer (after fourth grade), I did not know what an orgasm was or what cum was. I thought it might be taking years off of my life every time I did it. 
It turned out that the youngest of the three girls next door did see me parading around in my underpants and humping the carpet. 
The next day the neighbour's youngest daughter accosted me outside and then teased me about it relentlessly. letting me know me that she had seen me in my underpants, and watching me squirm as she described in detail what she had seen. I felt extremely embarrassed. She seemed to take great delight in watching me squirm and turn red with embarrassment while she was teasing me and asking me humiliating questions about every detail - questions that I was unable to answer adequately. 
The next night I was remembering the shame and humiliation at her having seen me humping the rolled up carpet in my undies and about her teasing and making fun of me about it. The embarrassment of having being seen/caught in the act did not stop me from masturbating - although I did not know that was what I was doing. I thought about her making fun of me while as I dry-humped against the corner of a bed's mattress the next night. The next day I tried dry-humping a pillow, resulting in me having throbbing wet orgasms. 
The pattern had taken hold, but I still did not know that what I was having were called orgasms or what they were or what the cum was. I though I might be taking years off my lifespan every time I did it - but that still didn't stop me. I also fantasised about my third grade teacher catching me doing it and spanking me severely while I was dry-humping the pillow. 
When school started again in the fall our class had a new fifth grade teacher. She wore steel tipped spiked heels and she yelled at the class a lot. I remember that at one point she made me feel embarrassed, and that turned me on, especially when she yelled at me. 
I began having fantasies about her seeing me in my underpants, making an example of me, and and giving me severe no-mercy spankings. At home, after school and again after I went to bed, I would hump a pillow in my underpants and having orgasms as I was fantasising about girls seeing me in my undies or about them ganging up on me to give me spankings. It was that year, in fifth grade, that I began to make some of my fantasies about getting-caught with my underpants showing come true. 
I started making a practice of sitting on top of the back of a sofa in bright sunlight wearing just my bright red T-shirt and a pair of tight white cotton underpants with my bottom almost touching the glass of a large picture window facing South towards the front sidewalk - with the backside of my undies very clearly visible in the bright sunlight less than fifty feet away from where the kindergarten through ninth grade girls were walking by on their way home from the nearby elementary and junior high (middle) school. 
I also stood in a second floor bedroom window in my underpants whenever the girl next door was visible in the neighbour's windows, less than 30 feet away. I would peek out from behind the window curtain beside the couch to watch their reactions and see them laughing. I could hear their laughter and comments. 
By seventh grade I had gotten so notorious for my practice of sitting in the window in my underpants that some of the girls had nicknamed me 'The Underpants Kid'. 
One of the girls slipped a paper 'news' note into the school's very prominent glass covered bulletin board in the hallway of our K-9 elementary and junior high school. 
A girl passing passing me in the hallway said: 'Hey underpants kid! You're getting famous - check the bulletin board!' I did check it. There was indeed a note that had been posted conspicuously on the locked glass covered school bulletin board (underneath the glass) that said: "underpants kid shows again". 
One afternoon not long after that, wo girls accosted me on the sidewalk and one said "You're late for the window display", and then burst into laughter. 
A little while later, in my seventh grade school home room, a girl yelled loudly at me in the classroom saying: 
"Hey underpants kid". "I saw you sitting in the window in your underpants!" 
I turned red with shame and embarrassment. She turned to her friends and said "We ought to take his pants away from him and let him run around in his underpants." 
Thinking about it later felt very much turned on every time I remembering her saying it and how she and her girlfriends had been laughing at me. I wished that they not only would gang up on me and take my pants, but that they would then give me a ferocious spanking before running off with my pants. 
That same girl sat directly behind me in music class. As I was bending over in my chair sticking my bottom out she kicked me with her pointy shoe right in the asshole as hard as she could, causing me to yelp in pain. She said loudly: "Keep your ass in." I never told her, but I felt a mixture of love for, fear of, and sexual attraction to her. 
Her family moved the next year, and to this day I don't know whatever became of her. A neighbouring girl, who was a year older than me, dressed her brother up in a frilly dress and made him push a baby carriage. Thinking about it that night as I humped my pillow I wished and fantasised that she would do that to me. 
By my senior year in high school my level of fame and embarrassment from my addictive habit of sitting in the South facing picture window in my tighty-whitey underpants as the girls walking home from school were passing by had grown to be fairly extreme. I had come to feel overwhelming embarrassment just walking out the front door. I became reclusive and managed to refrain from my underpants-mooning behaviour for a couple of years. 
When I was 19 years old I saw a pair of full brief nylon panties (white ones with a blue floral print) for sale in the isle of a local supermarket. I couldn't help myself. I felt compelled to buy them, take them home and try them on. I loved how it felt wearing the pretty nylon panties! From that moment on I have had fantasies about being dressed as a girl, getting exposed and humiliated in my panties in front of women, about being verbally abused and teased by them, and then being repeatedly, severely and mercilessly spanked by them, the way my adoptive mother continued to spank me for the first three years after I initially reached puberty. 
When I was 21 I showed the floral print panties I was wearing to (panty-mooned) a woman I was seeing at the time and asked her what she thought of them. She then asked me the following question: WHAT GOOD IS IT IF NOBODY SEES THEM? I felt an overwhelming rush of combined embarrassment, excitement, and apprehension as the realisation of the enormity and inevitability of my destiny suddenly became very, very, very clear: At that moment I graduated from showing women the backside of my white cotton underpants to showing women the backside of my pretty ladies nylon panties (panty-mooning). 
The 'Underpants Kid' was about to become 'Mister Panty Buns'! 
In the years that followed I went out of my way to make sure all of the women I dated (and many of their female friends) saw me in my panties. Eventually I set a goal for myself: To make sure that ever female person in the universe would see me in ladies nylon panties everywhere they looked! In the early to mid nineteen nineties I took numerous polaroid photos of myself in many different pairs of panties. Some of the photographs showed me bending over in my panties and holding out a variety of hairbrushes, bathbrushes, belts, canes, whips and other spanking implements. At least one of the photos had an agreement, signed by me, promising that all women had the right to give me unlimited spankings, in public or in private. 
Additionally, sometime in the early to mid 1990s I took multiple in-camera edited / spliced VHS video clips of myself begging and daring women to expose me publicly in my panties, to give me no-mercy spankings in private or in public, daring women to beat a full confession out of me about all the women I had panty-mooned, and to turn the information over to female investigative reporters. I titled the video 'ASKING FOR IT'. 
I tried but failed to getting the video published - I don't remember where I had sent it or how it happened, but somehow my pantied selfie-video along with numerous photos of me in my panties (some holding out paddles, bathbrushes, , belts, whips etc.) found its way into the hands of a female video store owner who had herself, on numerous occasions, seen me in various pairs of ladies nylon panties in a variety of prints and colours. 
In addition to being very outgoing socially she was a member of a women's bowling league. I didn't really think she'd do it, but I dared her to show them to all the women on the various bowling teams in that league anyway. 
I flushed red with embarrassment when she decided to take me up on that dare, and commenced passing the photos around amongst each of the women's bowling teams in the league... and smiled watching me squirm when she informed me that numerous copies of the photos of me in my panties that she passed around amongst the members of numerous women's bowling teams did not come back. 
To this day I have absolutely no idea what women or how many women do or don't have photographs of me posing in pretty pairs of ladies panties. 
As far as I know, she still has a copy of that video (or maybe more than one) and many of the photographs of me modelling various pairs of ladies full brief nylon panties. 
Over the course of my adult life I have received spankings from somewhere between 30 and 60 women. I received all of those spankings on the seat of my panties. 
In fact, 5 out of the six women I proposed marriage to gave me spankings. When they had me tied up and spread eagled face down on a bed with pillows under me to help get my bottom up in the air. I would then proceed to hump the pillow(s) in my pretty panties until the pain from the spankings got intense and painful enough that it forced me to stop. 
Unfortunately only one out of the hundreds of painful spankings that women have given me over the years was captured on film: 
In either 1995 or 1996 I starred as 'Richard Downs', on the receiving end in a very real, painful, professionally made spanking movie directed by Jennifer Brooks. Jennifer Brooks had previously starred in movies by California Star and by Shadow Lane. Miss Brooks' husband, Nick Travis (who had also previously starred with Jennifer Brooks in some movies at Shadow Lane) was one of the cameramen and a co-director of the spanking movie I was in. My Co-stars who spanked me in that video were Tori Sinclair (a.k.a. Lisa Comstock) who had done wrestling movies with 'Hollywood' of the 'Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling' (GLOW), and Felicia Gates. The movie I co-starred /appeared in was Brooks Applications video number 28 titled: 'Vicious Whips and Canes". Tori and Felicia gave me a WELL DESERVED and fairly severe 50 minute plus spanking. Near the end of the spanking video Felicia gave me 60 ferociously severe smacks with a long handled hardwood bathbrush - a very fond painful memory. Although the video is no longer available, here are two archived links to an advertisement for it: "Vicious Whips + Bloody Canes", starring Tori Sinclair and Felicia Gates and featuring Richard Downs (that's me, @Panty_Buns ) the sexually harassing boss who gets taught a very painful but well-deserved lesson. Here is an archived review of the spanking video I was in ('Vicious Whips and Canes')... ... and here is an archived image of the advertisement for that spanking movie (that I was on the receiving end in:
img-Hot_Spankings-Vicious-Whips-And-Canes.jpg http://web.archive.org/web/20020613060121/http://commerce.surfnetcorp.com/acbuild/showdetl.cfm?&DID=44&Product_ID=47&CATID=3 Vicious Whips + Bloody Canes - Jennifer Brooks Spanking Video #28 
The spanking I received in that professionally made spanking video was not even close to the severest spanking I have received. 
The most severe spanking I ever received was from a woman I dated who got turned on by spanking me more severely than I was able take. 
After gagging me and tying me up face down spread eagled up to the legs of beds face down with pillows under me to elevate my pantied bottom, she used paddles, bath brushes, belts, spanking sticks, canes and whips, and her all-time favourite spanking implement - wire coat hangers! 
Despite the fact that thousands of women and girls had seen me in my panties in person, it seems that I still, even to this day, have have not yet managed to achieve the degree of overwhelmingly unbearably embarrassing public pantied exposure and humiliation that I yearn for - a level of realised embarrassment that is so extreme that it will make me wish I could crawl under a rock to hide and never come back out or see anybody anywhere ever again. 
In more recent years I have taken multiple photos and videos of myself modelling and doing customer reviews of ladies fully opaque full coverage panties, releasing them into the public domain (labeled FREE for Re-Use) on blogs and released them all into the public domain (Labeled Free for Re-Use). I also took videos of myself modelling (back view only) and doing customer reviews of various brands and colours of ladies full coverage full brief panties. 
I subsequently uploaded them to my PG 13 blog and to my YouTube channel for all the world to see. Getting back to this mostly over 18 blog post: In my fantasies, and hypothetically in reality, i (a lesbian-identified / cis-gendered male peeking-out-of-the-closet queen) would play the naughty submissive sissy, who would get repeatedly spanked by groups of cis-gendered women, ferociously, relentlessly, cruelly, mercilessly and frequently throughout each and every five month period from November 1st through April 1st, for failing to sufficiently accomplish sufficient world-wide exposed panty notoriety during each of my required yearly five month regimens of exposed-panty humiliation aversion therapy sessions. 
These repeated public panty exposure would be required from June 1st through October 31st of each year. These repeated exposed-panty humiliation aversion therapy sessions would require me to cooperate in whatever way necessary to generate my maximum possible notorious world-wide fame for publicly exposing the backside of my ladies nylon pantied bottom. 
During the months of June through October I would have to submit to regimen of humiliation aversion therapy requirements in the form of repeated, very publicly documented extremely public exposures in my panties with the maximum world-wide mass media coverage attainable. 
I would be would be outed even more thoroughly with photos and videos from the previous year's pantied exposures, ridiculed, verbally abused with scornful, derisive comments and derisive laughter. \
To ensure that I consented to the continuation of these regimens (the carrot versus the stick approach) they would encourage me to hump a pillow in my panties until I had orgasms while being ridiculed.
They would taunt me and tell me to enjoy my pantied exposures now before the spankings re-commenced in November. 
From November 1st through April 1st of each year would be punishment months for me, when any and all women who felt like doing so could (and hopefully would) give me unimaginably extreme and ferocious permanently traumatic psychologically damaging no-mercy spankings, in the form of combined no-mercy Singapore punishment canings, tawsings, dragon canings, fanny-floggings with a cat-o-nine tails and/or horsewhip, prison-strappings, wire-coathanger and bathbrush spankings, sorority paddlings, and strokes with a sjambok or possibly even plunge-lashes to my butt-cheeks with a signal whip or bullwhip. 
I would be required to submit to a minimum of 45 minutes of spankings/canings/ass-whippings plus an additional half hour of re-spanking each and every week extending from every November 1st through every April 1st.. 
During the months of April and May, as my bottom healed enough to look pretty for my next five-month (June through October) round of public pantied exposure aversion.with maximum attainable world-wide media coverage, I would be confronted with photos and videos of the previous year's pantied exposures and subjected to derisive and scornful verbal abuse and interrogation sessions designed to make me so ashamed and embarrassed that I will want to crawl under a rock and never come out again. 
Failure to admit to being a pathetic perverted disgusting sissy faggot asshole would result in painful sessions with a violet wand on my testicles and very painful anal enemas, insertions and anal stretching sessions, commensurate with how big of an asshole I am. 
The women punishing me would, with numerous female witnesses and with a female attorney to strongly advise me against signing it, allow me to sign a legally binding indenture, promising to submit to Six years, five months per year from November 1st through April 1st, of unimaginably painful 'therapeutic' no-mercy psychological attitude adjusting punishment spankings coupled with Six years, five months per year (from June 1st through October 31st) of repeated embarrassing public pantied exposure (aversion therapy). 
The contract / indenture would contain a clause IN BOLD PRINT specifying that at the whim of any cis-gendered woman so desiring and demanding it, the agreement / indenture would be automatically renewed up to six times - for a total maximum of 42 years of June through October extreme and relentless world-wide pantied exposure and humiliation 'aversion therapy' along with the accompanying November through April relentless, unimaginably painful and psychologically traumatic no-mercy punishment spankings. Any women who so desired would not only have the right to administer said no-mercy punishment spankings to me, but could make the punishment sessions available for viewing via webcams etc.. 
The months of April and May of each of the 42 years would be used, with the assistance of female psychologists / psychiatrists to absolutely obliterate my ego and drive the message and programming deep into every recess and neuron of my unconscious, subconscious, and unavoidably conscious mind the feeling realisation and cognisance of an unimaginable degree and amount of shame and embarrassment - so much so that I will be forever wishing that I could crawl under a rock to hide, feeling the inescapable waves of humiliation wash over me, knowing full well that I will be instantly recognised by all women no matter where I go, and will unavoidably and continuously be subjected to extreme public contempt, ridicule, derisive verbal abuse, and be universally the object of hysterical, scornful, derisive laughter absolutely everywhere for all of eternity. 
The female psychologists / psychiatrists would do their best to make sure that I was as cognisant of why I should feel embarrassed and to impress on me how much I deserve to feel ashamed and embarrassed. These prescribed extreme pantied public exposures and unimaginably painful spankings and degradation would be continued in all probability for as long as I live, and I will hopefully be remembered around the world forever for repeatedly showing off the backside of my panties for women around the world to see. 
Hopefully my pantied fame will be so great that I will end up being universally ridiculed and scornfully laughed at for all of eternity. 
If I breached the agreement / contract / indenture requiring me to submit to the 'pantied exposure aversion therapies' and 'attitude adjustment spankings', then extreme penalty clauses would be authorised, triggered and could be enforced - including very unsafe, insane, non-consensual punishments administered to my testicles, buttocks, and anus - all of which would be filmed / watched live on webcams / or otherwise made publicly available as a future warning to would-be perverts. I would be warned before signing these legal documents that these the administration any of these unimaginably painful punishments SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS AND WOULD NOT under any circumstances be recommended, as there would be a very high probability that they would cause permanent, disfiguring and disabling injuries with a significant risk of causing death. 
I HAVE REFRAINED FROM WRITING DOWN WHAT THEY ARE, primarily because I am too afraid that I would eventually end up on the receiving end of ALL of them, and, of course, because if I were punished to death it would deprive women around the world from having the satisfaction of watching me receive the kind of extremely severe, repeated, relentlessly cruel sadistic and merciless punishment / torture-spankings. 
After all, I certainly not would want to deprive any women of the amusement / entertainment / enjoyment / satisfaction of seeing me not only getting put in my place, being punished, humiliated, degraded and on the receiving end of unlimited world-wide pantied exposure, of having the satisfaction of seeing me on the receiving end of endless extreme universal scorn, and of knowing that I am and will continue to be realising the maximum amount of never ending and unimaginably extreme embarrassing pantied public exposure and humiliation in addition to having the satisfaction of seeing me be on the receiving end of repeated, relentless, ferocious, unbearably severely, unimaginably painful and traumatic no-mercy punishment spankings for failing to cooperate sufficiently in my own 
If you are considering answering any of the questions in my blog post reader's poll, I hope that you will first take a look at the following photos of me 'presenting' (bending over) in ladies nylon panties while holding out suitable spanking implements (bathbrushes). :D
Blog readers poll: 
Question 1:  
Should I be made to submit to the public pantied exposure aversion therapy suggested above while wearing women's fully opaque full coverage full brief nylon panties? 
Question 2:   
Should I and/or the women helping to cause me to acquire the pantied fame I begged for take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that my pantied public outings actually happen, repeatedly, and that they my pantied exposures get universally covered in news media to such an extent that it will guarantee that every woman on the planet will recognise me on the street wherever I go?
Question 3: 
How many spankings and re-spankings do you think I should receive on each of my punishment spanking days? 
Question 4: 
How many days per week and on how many days per month (minimum and maximum, if any) do you think I should submit to / receive no-mercy punishment spankings? 
Question 5: 
On a scale of 1 to 100 (with 1 being the mildest and 100 being the most severe) how severe do you think those spankings should be? 
Question 6: 
Should the nylon panties I wear when I am receiving the repeated no-mercy punishment spankings alluded to above be see-through, so that both the women spanking me and any women watching can easily see my bottom changing colours as my ass cheeks turn from bright red, to beet red and purple, to deep purplish black with raised blistered white welts and furrowed bleeding maroon weals on top of large oval purplish black hematomas as the spankings continue relentlessly mercilessly? Or should they be administered over fully opaque panties so that viewing the spankings will be less likely to be restricted and will be available for viewing by a larger audience?
Question 7: 
If I am being spanked in see-through panties should I have to wear a thong (or locking butt-plug) underneath the panties for modesty? 
Question 8: 
If asked whether you might be interested in helping make my most extreme pantied exposure and punishment spanking fantasies actually happen, would you: 
a) Decline to answer; 
b) Be too too chicken; 
c) Not be chicken but prefer to remain anonymous; 
d) Be inclined to try to help make my most extreme pantied exposure and punishment spanking fantasies come true! 
Question 9:      
Do you think this post should be brought to the attention of women who are capable of and inclined to actually administer the kind of punishment spankings referred to above and might be both capable and interested in helping make sure that I actually receive the maximum possible pantied exposures, frequent relentlessly severe punishment spankings, unimaginably extreme and irreversible psychological trauma including the permanent total obliteration of my ego? 
Question 10: 
In addition to being recorded in photos and in videos, do you think my pantied exposures and subsequent punishment spankings should be made available for viewing live on web-cams, for zoom viewing etcetera? 
Question 11 
Should any links for web cam requests also have links available for donating money to battered womens' shelters and sexual abuse victims?
Question 12: Do you have any questions, alternative ideas, or some suggestions? Please don't be shy and please don't bother being diplomatic! 
P.S.: Please feel free to leave links to your fashion blogs and/or humiliation blogs and/or spanking blogs etc. etc.. ;D Spanks!


  1. Pretty please do not be shy! Your comments are welcome, with no diplomacy needed! Please let me know what you think of me putting the backside of my panties on full display for the world to see, whether you think I should be spanked, and if so, how severely and how often?
    I would also love to read what you think in comments on each of my (misterpantybuns's channel) customer panty modelling and review videos (they are all
    released into the PUBLIC DOMAIN (Labeled FREE for REUSE)
    Please feel free to share them everywhere!

  2. Darling, thank you for sharing your story! How awful that you were abused as a child. So incredibly strong of you to turn that negative experience into sexual empowerment! I won't answer all your queries, but will respond to #7: No way! Fuck modesty!
    Keep up the pretty-pantied work, my friend :)


  3. Thanks for visiting on Valentine's Day, darling! Pink is your color for sure! And of course love your selection of the Coperni butterfly dress! 🌷



I hope you will not be shy or feel any need to be diplomatic. All comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions are welcome no matter how embarrassing, complimentary, sarcastic, sweet or mean.