A Plea and a Dare to All Adult Women

i, Panty Buns, am begging and daring all women to HELP MAKE ME WORLD FAMOUS IN MY PRETTY LADIES PANTIES by copying, sharing, and republishing the photos i posted of myself in my full brief nylon panties at http://www.full-brief-panties-male-modeled.blogspot.com along with the URL. The photos of me in my ladies panties and this dare are all RELEASED into the public domain. i dare all women to try provoke enough relentless saturation media coverage that every woman on earth will have seen me in my panties, recognize me on the street, and yell things out at me if they aren't laughing too hard. Do you think you could figure out how to make me famous with the photos of me in my ladies panties? Are you too much of a chicken to help make it happen? Please feel free to let me know what you think in your comments. Do you think i'm naughty? i would feel privileged to read any comments, questions, thoughts or suggestions women have about me in my ladies full brief nylon panties.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Some of my PG videos got censored but my bottom never got spanked in Year 2020

Sadly, the problems enumerated in my 31 December 2015 post titled A Look Back at Censored Panties and Self-Censorship still persist. I still haven't decided whether it's worth the effort to broach the subjects I originally wanted to write about and possibly illustrate here on this blog given Google's prior unpredictable, and erratic policies, and its sometimes unpredictable, baseless, discriminatory, undeserved punitive actions. Unless and until I feel I can trust Google to be consistent, transparent and unbiased in its policies, an end to exclusions from search results based on prejudice, and until there is a meaningful unbiased appeals process for adversely effected / affected posts, photos, and videos, it is hard to get enthusiastic about the thought of putting a lot of effort int doing new posts. Some of the subjects I originally wanted to cover on this blog were: The resistance of panty fabrics to runs, pilling, shape distortion, stains etc. and how they occur, (friction, impacts, stretching, heat, solvents etc.). Spanking related subjects and descriptions of spankings I received in the past were other areas I originally considered covering on this blog. I did not include photos of myself in sheer panties on my regular blog, but saved them for this one. Although sheer panties are often seen on unrestricted blogs, in magazines and sometimes on television I try very hard to avoid giving prudes excuses to agitate for what is in reality censorship motivated by hatred. The following photo is an example of content I thought might be good posted on this blog:
img-Panty_Buns-in-sheer_black_panties-holding-out-a-bathbrush.jpg Whether or not decide to to posts related to the subjects mentioned above going forward, I hope you all have spanking good times in year 2021. (_|_)


  1. As you can probably tell, this is a fairly old photograph of me. Apparently there were dust particles either in the air or on the camera lens, detracting from the quality of the photo.
    If I were to star in another spanking video (on the receiving end - I got spanked in one decades ago) I was thinking of wearing very sheer white or blue panties so the audience could see my bottom changing colours during the spanking.

    Thanks in advance for reading this post and for your comments!

  2. You always get one prude I suppose. I hope your well :) http://www.bauchlefashion.com/2021/09/the-toastiest-faux-fur-coats-to-wear.html

    1. Thank you for your support for my panty-modelling fame-seeking endeavours on my regular panty review blog, on my YouTube, and on my Twitter.
      THANK YOU also for commenting here!
      As you might have suspected from viewing the photograph above, I have previously promised that any woman who was so inclined who got her hands on me could spank my bottom severely, mercilessly, repeatedly and relentlessly - and I am curious as to how you feel about me daring women to give me no-mercy spankings?
      P.S.: I love your blog Bauchle Fashion, which I noticed you are the founder and editor of! I hope you will visit more often on
      my regular panty review blog
      my panty review YouTube videos, and
      my Twitter (@Panty_Buns)
      Thank you again for your comment!

  3. Hi darling! Thanks for all your recent comments, and for pointing out the amazing (and daring!) red carpet looks from the Grammy Awards! Especially loved the risqué ensembles from Willow Smith and Paris Hilton!



I hope you will not be shy or feel any need to be diplomatic. All comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions are welcome no matter how embarrassing, complimentary, sarcastic, sweet or mean.